While no amount of tax information could be considered awe-inspiring, we want to ensure you’re in-the-know. Specifically, we want to answer your questions about who pays property taxes and when, who qualifies for a homestead exemption, and how to challenge your property tax assessment. Because one thing we know for absolute sure is, property taxes are coming due! You can run but you can’t … not pay.
Taking the leap from renting to becoming a first-time homebuyer may seem out of reach. But if you can’t shake the question — how will I know if I’m ready to buy a house? — then you may be getting close. Knowing when to buy a house is a decision that requires much thought and planning. Your answers to these three questions might help you realize you’re more ready than you think.
When applying for a mortgage, there are specific tasks you should do and actions to avoid to help streamline your loan process. Take a look at this list of “do’s” and “don’ts” to make sure there are no unexpected holdups on the approval of your loan.
There are many important things to consider throughout the process, especially if you’re a first-time homebuyer. Here’s some information that will keep you on track.
Curious as to what the home loan process is like with Willow Bend Mortgage? We’ve made it as easy and streamlined as possible. Click through to see our simple 4-step process.