Loan Originator Shout-out:
Name: Kyle Knippa // Title: Residential Mortgage Loan Originator |
Kyle Knippa’s Loan Originator Shout-out:Whether you pronounce his last name with a silent “K” or not, you’re only wrong if you don’t want Kyle Knippa on your team. He’s been consistently performing at the top of his game for WBM for over 11 years, to include being a perennial member of the WBM President’s Club. When you ask Kyle to outline the reasons for his 29 years of success in the industry, he says, “It’s simple. Close on time, no surprises, and getting the borrower the best terms available.” When pressed on this last topic, Kyle was quick to point out: “I didn’t say the best rate. I said the best terms available for the program they want and qualify for…there’s a difference.” According to CEO, Craig Schrank, it’s even more simple. “He puts his head down and works hard every day, and his production reflects it!” Whatever the reason, we’re just glad Kyle is on our team. (And for the record, the “K” in Knippa is as pronounced as his success as an LO.) Keep up the great work, Kyle! Willow Bend Mortgage is proud to work for you! |