Employee Spotlight:
Name: Raechel Hyatt // Title: Help Desk Coordinator |
Tell us a little bit about your role at WBM.:I started out as an LOA but I recently moved to the ZenDesk and I’m loving it! How did you get your start in the mortgage industry?I had a family member in the industry and they brought me on at their company How long have you worked at WBM?Just over 4 years! What’s your favorite part about working at WBM?I feel like I work with so many genuinely great people. Everyone has always been so kind and willing to help and I’ve enjoyed working here since I started. I also enjoy the activities that are put on at the corporate office! How has your career grown?I feel like after working at an appraisal management company, a property servicing company and mortgage company both as an LOA and now IT, I have had so many opportunities to learn so many different sides of this industry. What do you do in your free time?I love to read, I love to travel and I love college football. Wreck ‘em! Who at WBM has helped/influenced you?I’d say from the time I started at Willow Bend, I’ve consistently had a great group of friends who I can lean on for support or encouragement and that’s been so wonderful to have! Describe WBM in 3 words:1. Welcoming If you could have any superhero power, what power would you have and why?Teleportation. That way, I could travel wherever I wanted to and I wouldn’t have to deal with airports or the TSA agents ever again. 🙂 What’s your go-to song when you’re wanting to get pumped up?Probably TSwift or some 80s hairband music. Dog? Cat? Or both?Currently have a dog (Maverick) but I love cats too! Name one thing most people don’t know about you:I’ve been in People Magazine! (Why? Just ask me!)