Employee Spotlight:
Name: Kerstin Smith // Title: Shipper |
How did you get your start in the mortgage industry?
I just recently started in the mortgage industry, I wanted to find a career with a good work to life balance, flexibility, and a position to help me grow my intellectual skills.
Tell us a little bit about your role at WBM.
I work in the Post Closing department at WBM, I am the communicator between the investors who are purchasing the loans, and our teams who work hard to make dream homes possible for our borrowers. I make sure all documentation to the investors is provided, executed, and corrected if needed. I also enter the purchase advice, stack the packages when we’re provided with the closing documents and sent out the Notes to the banks for each investor to get exactly what they need.
How long have you worked at WBM?
I’ve worked at WBM for a little over a year now
What’s your favorite part about working at WBM?
I love our “culture club” activities and events! WBM always takes the time to provide community in our workspace. We have potlucks, baking and cooking competitions, and events to be there for our community. The Culture Club allows everyone to take a break, have fun, and really cultivate a great outlook for our company.
How has your career grown?
My career has grown from the tasks that I set for myself on a day-to-day basis. I’m always communicating with our team to receive the documents needed, I’ve had to figure out what each investor’s perspective and priority is, I’ve had to take over new responsibilities as I grew into my role here in post-closing and every day, I learn something new. In my opinion, if you are putting into action what you’re learning and seeing how to be more efficient, you will develop in your role and reach the goals you set for yourself.
Who at WBM has helped/influenced you?
I may be bias but here at WBM, the Post closing department is an amazing team to be on. My team is a huge part of my influence. Alexandra, the Vice President of Post-Closing sits down with me 2x a week to support me in my position, plus she knows everything about anything. She is a solid rock for our team. Dianella, Kari and Wyatt, are a huge part of my day to day as well. They always make me laugh, crack jokes, help me with anything I need, and they are here to jump in right in by my side. My team is what I look forward to seeing each morning because I know they are always there to encourage me and guide me.
What do you enjoy doing in your free time.
I enjoy going to church on Sundays. I love going to the gym to lift weights. I always look forward to spending time with my husband, watching anime and trying new foods! Shopping and going to dinners with my friends and sisters.
Describe WBM in 3 words.
Hard Working, Consistent, Community
If you could have any superhero power, what power would it be and why?
I would have both fire and ice powers because that would be so cool.
Dog? Cat? Both? Neither?
Name one thing most people don’t know about you.
I have an identical Twin sister