Employee Spotlight:
Name: Dianella Iribarren // Title: Shipper (Post-closing Department) |
Name one thing most people don’t know about you:That I have a BS in Cardiorespiratory Technology. I used to do congenital cardiac sonography, helping to detect and treat congenital cardiac anomalies in babies back in Venezuela. Little career switch there, but I love where I am now. Tell us a little bit about your role at WBM.I work in the Post closing department as shipper, my function is to ensure that the documents received after a loan closing are correct, executed properly and all loan requirements have been met. After these items are checked, my primary function is to send the loan out to be purchased by our many investors. How did you get your start in the mortgage industry?Last year I wanted to start a new profession, luckily had met Mr. Kevin Hughes, asked him about the mortgage industry, he kindly explained and told me about WBM so I applied, had my interview and thankfully got hired on March this year. What’s your favorite part about working at WBM?The best part is feeling part of a great family, everyone is very nice and helpful since day one. Even though I didn’t have any prior experience, the WBM family have always made me feel welcomed. What do you do in your free time?Going shopping. Traveling, Watch movies and tv shows with my husband. I also enjoy video calling my parents, it’s the way I have to feel them closer, since they live in Venezuela. Who at WBM has helped/influenced you?Alexandra Swann has been a great mentor for me, she is amazingly experienced and she’s always there to help you with any question or issue that you have. Actually, everyone in my team have been so helpful since day one. We are always helping each other. How has your career grown?I feel this is when I have learned the most in the shortest time. Is impressive all you can learn in this industry and having such a knowledgeable team beside you is the best to keep growing. Describe WBM in 3 words:1. Family If you could have any superhero power, what power would you have and why?The power of eat anything I want and not gain weight! lol What’s your go-to song when you’re wanting to get pumped up?I don’t have just one, I have many actually, mostly Latin songs, they make me want to dance and also remind me where I come from. Dog? Cat? Or both?Dog, I would love to have an Australian Sheppard.