Employee Spotlight:
Name: Claire Chatterton // Title: Secondary Marketing, Lock Desk Team Lead |
Tell us a little bit about your role at WBM.:I work in the Secondary Marketing Department with Randy & Chelsea. My main responsibility is maintaining the lock desk pipeline and I’m currently learning all about our hedging platform and position to mitigate interest rate risk. Randy is training me to be, in his words, a trading queen. How long have you worked at WBM?5 awesome years! How did you get your start in the mortgage industry?My good friend Heather, who I’d known prior to working at WBM, gave me an opportunity to get my foot in the door so I started off in the post-closing department almost 6 years ago, with her and her team. It was quite a career transition, working with animals before, but it was the right move and I was eager to make the switch. What’s your favorite part about working at WBM?Without a doubt, the people I get to work with on a daily basis. The respect I have for my co-workers and relationships that I’ve created with them make my days and my job that much better. What do you do in your free time?If it involves sunshine and outdoors, I’m there! You can often find me involved in adventurous activities with friends that include Jeepin’, camping, and running 5k’s that rewards with cold beers afterwards! 🙂 Who at WBM has helped/influenced you?Craig Schrank has been a big impact and influence for me!! I give him many thanks for recommending me into the current role I’m in. He knew I could take the next step & saw the potential and drive in me. Also, kudos to Randy Eaton for being the best of the best at Capital Markets. He’s been a great mentor and leader to me! I’m very lucky to be part of a team with great minds. Describe WBM in 3 words:1. Rewarding If you could have any superhero power, what power would you have and why?Not sure if this fits into the superhero category, but I’ve thought about how neat it would be to time travel! One of my favorite shows is Outlander and ever since watching that, I’ve pondered how cool it would be to have the ability to move to different periods of time. What’s your go-to song when you’re wanting to get pumped up?Don’t laugh, but the song Lose Yourself by Eminem really energizes me when I need to get pumped up! Dog? Cat? Or both?I love both, but currently my 2 pups, Mav & Mollie, take up most of my time. How has your career grown?Starting from an entry level position, then moving into Secondary Marketing, and to the ninja I try to be today, reflects how far I’ve come and how much I’ve learned in my time with WBM. I have to thank my peers and our executive team for allowing me to grow into the current position I’m in. I wouldn’t trade it for the world and absolutely love the excitement this role offers! Name one thing most people don’t know about you:I’m one of those “nerdy road cyclists” you see on the roads! So be nice to that next road biker you see out there! 🙂